Epping Eastwood Lions Club member, Past Council Chairman, Warren Latham has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Past International President, Joe Preston for his work during 2014-15 as Council Chairman for Lions Clubs in Australia.
The Lions Club of Echuca welcomed 1500 Lions members to the Annual National Convention. With the best country hospitality, and fantastic support from businesses in the area, the visitors were made very welcome. Opening with a fly past of light aircraft, singers from local choirs and students from high schools in the area, the Conventioneers were entertained, wined and dined in great style. Business sessions during the Convention included guest speakers from HUG (Help Us Grow), a project in Uganda; Prof. Greg Suanning from both Cochlear and the Bionic Eye Project and Dr. Ken Henry, the CEO from NAB.
Leo of the Year and Youth of the Year competition finals were held during the weekend with the audience being astounded by the ability of contestants to speak with great passion about their chosen subject.